Cement and concrete product manufacturing

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 3273

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hydraulic cement, ready-mix concrete, concrete bricks, pipes and blocks, and other concrete products.

32731 · Cement manufacturing
0 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the production of clinker and subsequent grinding of clinker using either dry or wet production processes.

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32732 · Ready-mix concrete manufacturing
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mixing together water, cement, sand, gravel or crushed stone to make concrete, and delivering it to a purchaser in a plastic or unhardened state.

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32733 · Concrete pipe, brick and block manufacturing
1 Job

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete pipes, bricks and blocks from a mixture of cement, water and aggregate.

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32739 · Other concrete product manufacturing
3 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete products.

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